القائمة الرئيسية


اخر الأخبار

 Psychology for Teachers by David Fontana

Published by MACMll..LAN PRESS LTD

Third edition 1995

The plan ofthe book

The plan of the book is simple. In Part I we look at early influences

upon the child such as parent-child relationships, family size, and social

class. Part II then examines cognitive factors (i.e. mental factors to do

with thinking, intelligence and learning) while Part III looks at affective

factors (i.e. emotional factors to do with personality, attitudes and values).

Part IV looks at social factors: that is, at the factors involved in the

child's relationships with the teacher and with the classroom group, and

at the teacher him or herself, at what is known about the qualities that

make the successful teacher and at the ways in which we study interaction  
between the teacher and the class

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