القائمة الرئيسية


اخر الأخبار

تحليل البيانات باستخدام ميكروسوفت اكسل

Data Analysis with Microsoft® Excel
Updated for Office 2007

Kenneth N. Berk

Patrick Carey

Third Edition 2010

رابط التحميل

This popular best-selling book shows students and professionals how to do data analysis with Microsoft Excel. DATA ANALYSIS WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL teaches the fundamental concepts of statistics and how to use Microsoft Excel to solve the kind of data-intensive problems that arise in business and elsewhere. Even students with no previous experience using spreadsheets will find that this text�s step-by-step approach, extensive tutorials, and examples make it easy to learn how to use Excel for analyzing data. A downloadable StatPlus� add-in for Microsoft Excel, data sets for exercises, and interactive concept tutorials are available on the Book Companion Website.
